
Dungeon Decorators

Created by SlugFest Games

A new tile-drafting light strategy game from the makers of The Red Dragon Inn!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfillment complete!
almost 3 years ago – Fri, Jul 30, 2021 at 04:50:08 PM

Hello, backers! Fulfillment is now complete, which means it is time to move into the "taking care of remaining problems" phase of this campaign. So...

If you haven't received your Dungeon Decorators order AND you haven't received tracking information from us, that means something went wrong. Please contact us at [email protected] and we'll help you out!

And to all of you - thanks again for backing this project and helping us make this game a reality! If you haven't tried it yet, break it open and try it! Here's a how to play video if you don't like reading rules documents...  :-)

If you have comments about the game or its components, please leave comments or email us. (And, if you're so inclined, a BoardGameGeek review would be appreciated, too!)

Stay tuned for an announcement about our next Kickstarter project!

The giant pulsating brain compels you to keep supporting our Kickstarter campaigns...

Game on, everyone!

Shipping Update for July 14
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 06:09:06 PM

Hi, folks. Here is the promised update about shipping for this project.

As outlined in our last update, European packages have already been sent. Asia, Australia and New Zealand recently went out and should be arriving soon.

US, UK and Canada are all expected to start shipping next week.

A couple of weeks after everything ships out, we will post again here with our usual "if you don't have your stuff yet, something is wrong" update. Until then, don't fret - the wheels are turning! We will make sure that everyone who is supposed to get this game gets it.

Thanks again for your patience as things come down the home stretch.

Shipping Update for June 16
almost 3 years ago – Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 11:05:45 PM

Hello again, backers! Here's an update: all games are now in the country they're supposed to be in to ship out to you. The remaining delay for US backers is that the games have been unloaded from the ship in Long Beach, but they still have to clear customs, head to Chicago by train, then head to our warehouse in Michigan by truck.

Some of you may already be aware that EU tax laws relating to imported products such as board games are changing on July 1.  We have decided to begin EU shipments right away to ensure that fulfillment is handled before the rule changes come into effect. This means that EU backers may get their games a couple of weeks earlier than other folks.

We apologize for the inconvenience to our other backers. We usually try to ensure that all backers get their product at roughly the same time, but in this case, we feel that the benefit of avoiding ambiguity around the new EU laws outweighs the benefit of trying to achieve a worldwide "launch date".

Thanks for your patience, and we'll have games to all of you as soon as we can!

Games are getting closer!
almost 3 years ago – Tue, May 25, 2021 at 04:50:12 PM

Hello, Dungeon Decorators! We've been in the "waiting phase" of this project for a little while now, so we decided to give a brief update.

The games are making their way across the ocean, and we expect them in our hands by mid-June. Because of this, we will be locking addresses in BackerKit on June 7. If you happen to have a move coming up, please update your address in BackerKit before then.

A small handful of backers still haven't completed the process in BackerKit. Remember, your order is not complete until you go to BackerKit and 1) fill out the survey, 2) enter your address, and 3) pay for shipping. We cannot send you a game unless you complete all three of these steps. If you are having trouble with this process, or if you still haven't received any notification from BackerKit, please contact us at [email protected] so that we can help you.

Thanks again, folks. We're excited to get this fun game into your hands, and we'll give another update when we know more about ship dates!

Orders locking on Friday!
about 3 years ago – Mon, Apr 05, 2021 at 08:26:32 PM

Hi, backers. This is just a friendly reminder that orders will be locked on Friday, April 9. This is your last chance to give us your address or, for you $1 pledgers, to increase your pledge to one that will get a copy of the game. If we don't have your information by then, then you will no longer be able to change your pledge level, and your backer rewards may be delayed.

You should have all received an email from BackerKit with a link and instructions on how to fill out your survey. If you didn't receive such an email, please contact [email protected] so that we can make sure to get you the information you need.

Thanks again, everyone!